DVD Forum > Online Shopping

Johnny Air vs Kango Express vs Buy and Ship vs others - share your experiences


Sino naka-try na sa mga ito?  What's your preference?  Pros and cons?

I’ve used JAC and Shipping Cart previously but am now using Buy And Ship. JAC was ok but going to their office to pick up the items became hard when i transferred to bgc. Shipping Cart delivers straight to your home but I had experienced lost items twice, plus sometimes their delivery is super delayed. No complaints so far with Buy and Ship. I’m not sure how their rates compare now though.

JAC delivers to your door if you setup your default that way.  Just give them a call.  :)

Kango walang sablay, mura sa minimum ($9), and normally arrives a week before published ETA.

May mga horror stories na JAC, although ok siya nuon (haven't used them in ~5+ years).

Never used Buy&Ship yet.

Sent from my Nokia 8.3 5G using Tapatalk


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