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Most Recently Viewed Blu-Ray/HD DVD

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Instead of posting in the most recently viewed DVD thread, Ill be starting this thread........

Seabiscuit (HD DVD)

Aside from being one of the most inspiring movies Ive ever seen, its also one of the most natural looking films ive seen so far on the format.  Near flawless as far as visuals is concerned.  The soundtrack is also top-notch with the .1 having a workout on the horseracing sequences.  This is a must have for the highdef collection.   :)

ser munskie....ikaw pa lang yata ang me HD DVD dito..... ;D

sarap sigurong makipanood sa inyo... :)

sir, si alvinthx2 meron na rin........way back pa....

para di OT..

Doom (HD DVD)

A very dark film in the tradition of Alien-style films....but not quite up to par with Alien of course.  Some film grain did quite exist in few scenes, but overall showed good flesh tone, especially with the very lovely Rosamund Pike.  Got dizzy with the Doom-style first person camera angles in the end, courtesy of Karl Urban.... ;)

Batman Begins

I totally agree with the review below....the top reference title for HD DVD so far...with Dolby TrueHD....(tried it using generic RCA cables for analog 5.1 connectivity)......the Dolby TrueHD soundtrack is totally awesome!!!!  ;D ;D

Here's the link for the highdefdigest review:

Batman Begins HD DVD review (click)

and the reviewer's final thoughts:

 Final Thoughts

'Batman Begins' is a no-brainer. Even if you are only casually interested in the film, you should definitely check this one out to see the HD DVD format at the top of its game. Terrific transfer, awesome Dolby TrueHD soundtrack and tons of extras -- including some genuine HD bonus content -- make this one the A-list HD DVD release to beat. Now is a very good time to be an early adopter!

Apollo 13 (HD DVD)

There's really something about films about going "home" that surely makes a great story.  Couple that with a terrific transfer and DD+ soundtrack (especially the launch sequence)....a sure pleasure to watch... ;D ;D


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