SME Tonearm mods and looks upgrade . . .
I read about bronze or metal knife edge is one of the mods for this arm. As curious as a cat, got a great deal online to try it on my 3009 S2 imp. model ....
Original Look...
Replacement part (Bronze knife edge)
Side by side (bronze & original plastic knife edge)
Finally, Installed (took sometime to spot on the screw hole with ground wire attached inside the tube)
New Look (sporting bronze knife edge)
Here's a link, who tested the mod on different SME models... that exercised the result varies dependent on the model and specs. On my side, I found a very positive result. As others commented, great improvement on details, more defined LF region. Clinical or edginess experienced by others may be the extra details that was rolled off on plastic knife edge. Bytheway, I applied small drop of silicone oil to serve as lubricant and damping recommended by others
Thanks for looking...