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DVD Forum => DVD Releases and Reviews => Region 1 => Topic started by: Tonton on Oct 10, 2003 at 09:55 PM

Title: Final Fantasy VII Advent Children (region 1, Special Edition)
Post by: Tonton on Oct 10, 2003 at 09:55 PM
To ya'll Final Fantasy people,

I heard Square is going to release a sequel to FF7, but not a game.

It's going to be a CG Movie that's going to be released exclusively on DVD, which they call direct-to-DVD.

I saw some pics... Sephiroth looks more EVILishly cool than ever. :)

And Cloud.... him though, err, he looks like Tidus. ;)
Title: Re:Final Fantasy: Advent Children
Post by: dukeonline2002 on Oct 28, 2003 at 11:31 PM
there's a copy of the preview available out there.  I think has it.
Title: Final Fantasy VII Advent Children (region 1, Special Edition)
Post by: BaD_BURN on Sep 28, 2005 at 09:09 AM
So far, two sites other than Amazon are now accepting pre-orders for the R1 release. SRP is $26.96 but Amazon still has the lowest offer at $18.87. We still dont know what goodies are packed in the DVD other than it will be a standard Special Edition 2 disc release. November 29 is the release date, as confirmed by and

A bit off topic, did anybody happen to see Wazzup wazzup last night? Advent Children was featured and they say the original DVD is going to be released here in the Philippines or somewhere along those lines. ???
Title: Re: Final Fantasy VII Advent Children (region 1, Special Edition)
Post by: BaD_BURN on Sep 28, 2005 at 02:42 PM
Release poster! :)


I'll try to find another one with a higher resolution.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy VII Advent Children (region 1, Special Edition)
Post by: czedryk on Sep 29, 2005 at 10:24 AM
A bit off topic, did anybody happen to see Wazzup wazzup last night? Advent Children was featured and they say the original DVD is going to be released here in the Philippines or somewhere along those lines. ???

Hmmm... Now this is interesting...
At any rate, I'll still be buying the R1 release... ;D

Also pre-ordered this from our fellow member...
Title: Re: Final Fantasy VII Advent Children (region 1, Special Edition)
Post by: BaD_BURN on Sep 30, 2005 at 01:43 PM
I just got the soundtrack!  ;D I pre-ordered last last week and it turned up on my doorstep just now. ;) Uematsu-san really outdid himself this time, let me tell you. ;) ONE WINGED ANGEL is just pure evil! ;D
Title: Re: Final Fantasy VII Advent Children (region 1, Special Edition)
Post by: czedryk on Sep 30, 2005 at 03:39 PM
congratz bro!!! :)

now my waiting period seems a lot longer... :(

I do hope they give us a good packaging (or a Limited Ed ;D)
Title: Re: Final Fantasy VII Advent Children (region 1, Special Edition)
Post by: Gideon on Sep 30, 2005 at 07:47 PM
(One more post like this and this thread gets locked as well. -- Admin)
Title: Re: Final Fantasy VII Advent Children (region 1, Special Edition)
Post by: Quitacet on Oct 01, 2005 at 01:12 PM
as per

Here is the cover of the 2-Disc Region 1 release:

click the image for a bigger picture

( (

Here are the specs:

Special Features:


- Feature Film
- Final Fantasy VII Digest


- Previews
- Venice Film Festival Footage
- Making-Of Featurette
- Sneak Peak of upcoming Final Fantasy VII games
- Trailers

Audio Format: DD 5.1 Surround, DD 2.0 Stereo 
Video Format: Widescreen 2.35:1 (Anamorphic) 
Languages: Japanese 
Subtitles: English 
Country Made: Japan 
Region Code: 1 
Year Made: 2005 
Running Time: 101 

Seemingly no English Audio Track and no DTS even for the REgion 1 release! :(
Title: Re: Final Fantasy VII Advent Children (region 1, Special Edition)
Post by: BaD_BURN on Oct 02, 2005 at 07:14 PM
Woah! No English track? What gives? ???

I think its the dubbing issue: mouth movements tailored for the Japanese dialogue. It'd be hell trying to translate the whole script to English and then matching it to the mouth movements. But its still October; I'm really hoping they dub this one, even though there's gonna be some changes thats going to deviate from the Japanese script. ;)
Title: Re: Final Fantasy VII Advent Children (region 1, Special Edition)
Post by: Koolkat on Oct 03, 2005 at 08:39 AM
I hope they come up with a remake of the final fantasy 7 game for the ps2. Mahirap yata maappreciate yung story nung movie if you have never played the game yet.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy VII Advent Children (region 1, Special Edition)
Post by: czedryk on Oct 03, 2005 at 03:29 PM
I hope they come up with a remake of the final fantasy 7 game for the ps2. Mahirap yata maappreciate yung story nung movie if you have never played the game yet.
Basically, you need to play the game 1st for you to understand the story, since there are no character introduction (or development) in the movie, it's assumed that you know everyone... but you can always enjoy the CGI ;D
Title: Re: Final Fantasy VII Advent Children (region 1, Special Edition)
Post by: BaD_BURN on Oct 04, 2005 at 12:19 PM
I hope they come up with a remake of the final fantasy 7 game for the ps2. Mahirap yata maappreciate yung story nung movie if you have never played the game yet.

I dont think thats possible though. PS2 is on the way out. ;)

But they did make an FF7 technical demo for the PlayStation3; they basically recreated the game's intro using the PS3. If you've seen the demo, nope, that aint no cutscene. Thats the PS3's graphics capabilities. Its rendered in real-time, baby. 8)
Title: Re: Final Fantasy VII Advent Children (region 1, Special Edition)
Post by: czedryk on Oct 04, 2005 at 12:41 PM
Here's an interesting interview with Tetsuya Nomura...

Part of the interview states:
1UP: OK. My last question is, the FF7 tech demo for PS3 is very provocative. And there are only probably about 15 million people out there who would like to see it become a game. Is he as interested in seeing an FF7 remake as everyone else is?

TN: The PS3 tech demo was actually not the perfect forum that he wanted to have. It was just timing that we had to submit something in time for E3, for the press conference. So, again, it was not perfect forum. And the 7 remake idea was always, always in conversation, just because it's so popular. And then just because of that tech demo here in the PS3 conference, that probably based more expectations of fans, obviously. And Kitase-san already has told Nomura-san so many times that if there is a remake, that should be created by Nomura. But, again, Nomura-san has so many other projects lined up already in the future schedule, so it's almost impossible to think about that and squeeze that in. But if there is a right time, it would be interesting to create.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy VII Advent Children (region 1, Special Edition)
Post by: Koolkat on Oct 10, 2005 at 05:34 AM
Man, sayang. I would love to watch this film . But I don't want to spend 45+ hours playing a game that came out almost a decade ago. Plus, I really don't like playing RPGs anymore. I was able to finish a few a rew years ago back when I was in college (including FF8 and FF9). But now that I'm working, talagang wala nang time. Maybe I'll watch it just to amire the graphics.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy VII Advent Children (region 1, Special Edition)
Post by: DViant on Oct 10, 2005 at 05:40 AM
Watched Advent Children and I want 2 hours of my life back. It's as bad as the first Final Fantasy movie. Unless you're a fan of FF or played the game you will not like this movie.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy VII Advent Children (region 1, Special Edition)
Post by: RNIverson on Oct 10, 2005 at 03:31 PM
Man, sayang. I would love to watch this film . But I don't want to spend 45+ hours playing a game that came out almost a decade ago. Plus, I really don't like playing RPGs anymore. I was able to finish a few a rew years ago back when I was in college (including FF8 and FF9). But now that I'm working, talagang wala nang time. Maybe I'll watch it just to amire the graphics.

just like me, just want to watch this to see how good the animation is  ;D  search na lang sa net to understand more of the game's story  8)
Title: Re: Final Fantasy VII Advent Children (region 1, Special Edition)
Post by: krets pulpol on Oct 26, 2005 at 06:25 PM
guys, when i checked my account for this order, na move ang release to january 10, 2006!
Title: Re: Final Fantasy VII Advent Children (region 1, Special Edition)
Post by: baby on Oct 27, 2005 at 06:58 AM
I noticed that too.  I hope it's only a typo error. ???
Title: Re: Final Fantasy VII Advent Children (region 1, Special Edition)
Post by: czedryk on Oct 27, 2005 at 10:21 AM
guys, when i checked my account for this order, na move ang release to january 10, 2006!

OH NO!!! :o :o :o Tell me this isn't true!!! :'( :'( :'(
Title: Re: Final Fantasy VII Advent Children (region 1, Special Edition)
Post by: 1ringwd4s on Oct 27, 2005 at 10:25 AM
Jan 10????? you have gotta be kidding!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Final Fantasy VII Advent Children (region 1, Special Edition)
Post by: 1ringwd4s on Oct 27, 2005 at 01:10 PM
check this out:

it sez release date: december 31, 2025. d**n! Hahaha!
Title: Re: Final Fantasy VII Advent Children (region 1, Special Edition)
Post by: krets pulpol on Jan 13, 2006 at 10:35 PM
looks like the release date's going to push back again! hassle!  >:(
not released last tuesday!
Title: Re: Final Fantasy VII Advent Children (region 1, Special Edition)
Post by: krets pulpol on Feb 22, 2006 at 07:48 PM
release date has been confirmed (hopefully tuloy na this time) on april 25, 2006.

Title: Re: Final Fantasy VII Advent Children (region 1, Special Edition)
Post by: AshKetchum on Apr 19, 2006 at 02:28 PM
R1 review is here:

And yes, there is an English dub included, along with the original Japanese language version (with English subtitles).
Title: Re: Final Fantasy VII Advent Children (region 1, Special Edition)
Post by: keilu on Apr 23, 2006 at 10:52 PM
hopefully tuloy na release nya sa tuesday. wanted to watch the re-cap of ff7 game (coz i didnt finish playing any of the final fantasy franchise games - too complicated for me  ;D)

Got this for my bro who is obsessed with final fantasy ;D
Title: Re: Final Fantasy VII Advent Children (region 1, Special Edition)
Post by: aldrinpsx on Apr 24, 2006 at 02:05 AM
US Release confirmed on April 25,2006..$14.99


Title: Re: Final Fantasy VII Advent Children (region 1, Special Edition)
Post by: RNIverson on Apr 24, 2006 at 08:15 PM
looking fwd for a tin case edition  :D
Title: Re: Final Fantasy VII Advent Children (region 1, Special Edition)
Post by: aldrinpsx on Apr 25, 2006 at 11:51 PM

The action is intense, the world is rich, and the characters are back in all their glory. The core story could have been a little stronger in my opinion, but the attention paid to Cloud's development more than makes up for what the plot was lacking.

This is without a doubt the best movie based on a videogame that I have ever seen and the production values are through the roof in nearly every regard. The video quality is astounding, the audio is superb, and the extras are defiantly worth checking out. Fans of Final Fantasy VII owe it to themselves to pick this DVD up, while the uninitiated probably shouldn't bother. The movie relies on the fact that you have played the game and if you haven't the Reminiscence feature can only help you so much.


Title: Re: Final Fantasy VII Advent Children (region 1, Special Edition)
Post by: cel-shaded on May 03, 2006 at 10:33 AM
For those who haven't played the FFVII game, watching the featurette "Reminiscence of Final Fantasy VII" is a requirement because it gives you an idea of the events that happened in the game. ;D

1 comment on the DVD though, the English subtitles doesn't match the English audio. What the characters are saying isn't exactly what is displayed on screen (subtitles).
Title: Re: Final Fantasy VII Advent Children (region 1, Special Edition)
Post by: SPaCeMaN SPiFF on May 03, 2006 at 08:13 PM
For those who haven't played the FFVII game, watching the featurette "Reminiscence of Final Fantasy VII" is a requirement because it gives you an idea of the events that happened in the game. ;D

1 comment on the DVD though, the English subtitles doesn't match the English audio. What the characters are saying isn't exactly what is displayed on screen (subtitles).

maybe the english subs are "direct translations" of the japanese audio. and not meant as a sub for the english dub audio. (not 100% sure... but i think this is common for most english dubbed japanese anime?) ;)
Title: Re: Final Fantasy VII Advent Children (region 1, Special Edition)
Post by: keilu on May 03, 2006 at 09:50 PM
yay! jaz got my FF7 Advent Children  ;D