PinoyDVD: The Pinoy Digital Video & Devices Community

DVD Forum => General DVD Discussion => Topic started by: Centurion Obama on Oct 06, 2001 at 02:12 AM

Title: When do you finally decide to BUY the DVD?
Post by: Centurion Obama on Oct 06, 2001 at 02:12 AM
There is always a point when you go from just watching a movie to actually buying the DVD?

At what point do you finally decide to BUY the DVD ?

(when you have the money? when you've watched it so many times na on HBO? when no matter how hard you try you can't seem to find or watch it in this film-starved country? when it becomes collectible? etc. etc.  :))
Title: Re: When do you finally decide to BUY the DVD?
Post by: maldita on Oct 06, 2001 at 02:25 AM
as you might have already known...for me it's when I know i might not find it and watch it again, or when i WILL want to watch it a million more times (I think Dune is a perfect example of a movie I will still watch 10 years from now)  8)
Title: Re: When do you finally decide to BUY the DVD?
Post by: barrid on Oct 06, 2001 at 04:24 PM
the moment I found one scene I liked while watching the movie. I know, I gotta have it. Wait for it till it finally release or if available. I will order it online para mas mura.
Title: Re: When do you finally decide to BUY the DVD?
Post by: viper on Oct 06, 2001 at 04:42 PM
Simple lang ako, pag impressed ako sa movie especially when I saw it in the cinema. Ex. is The Mummy Returns and ENemy at the Gates. Of course, factor din yung extra/spevial features included in the the disk to make its acquisition worthwile.
Title: Re: When do you finally decide to BUY the DVD?
Post by: Komikero on Oct 06, 2001 at 04:51 PM
Many factors e. But the most compelling reason for me to buy a DVD is if I liked the movie when I saw it in the theaters.

Last time this happened was with Moulin Rouge. Immediately after I saw it, I told my GF sitting beside me, I'm GONNA GET THE DVD!! My GF, who usually dislikes me spending so much for these things, wholeheartedly agreed. I liked the movie so much that kahit na walang features bibilhin ko. But na lang marami. :)

Many times I decide to get a newly released DVD if it's a movie I've long wanted to see (and own). Tulad ng Bridge on the River Kwai, Lawrence of Arabia, and Doctor Zhivago coming out in November.

Sometimes binibili ko dahil nakakahilo ang features, even if I haven't seen the movie yet and I'm not sure if it's good or not. Tulad ng Hannibal.  Features are fantastic and I actually liked the movie after seeing it, though not as much as I liked Silence.
Title: Re: When do you finally decide to BUY the DVD?
Post by: FLIM on Oct 06, 2001 at 06:03 PM


I told my GF sitting beside me, I'm GONNA GET THE DVD!! My GF, who usually dislikes me spending so much for these things, wholeheartedly agreed.

It seems that we all have a universal problem about that. My wife strangles the life out of me every time she sees a new package comming in. Her next step is to uncover CHARBIT'S whereabouts and obliterate him from the face of teh earth.I'm the only one that 's keeping him alive and does that entitle me to a discount? HELL NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! :'(    
Title: Re: When do you finally decide to BUY the DVD?
Post by: nerveblocker on Oct 07, 2001 at 04:35 AM
I just buy a DVD which fully utilizes my HT system---a lot of bass, most talked about movies, special effects galore, Award winners para sulit for example Titanic, T2, True Lies, Jurassic Park, ID4.  More likely in the sci-fi and action genre.  LaLO na if its double disc to pack up a lot of extra features. ;)  Para sulit!
Kung merong magandang comedy o drama na hindi gumagamit ng masyadong effects in 5.1 channel and not much special features like maybe Cutting Edge, My Cousin Vinny, Austin Powers, Ace Ventura...well...hmmm... :-X
Title: Re: When do you finally decide to BUY the DVD?
Post by: wcvmorasa on Oct 07, 2001 at 07:53 AM
i don't know about you guys and ladies but i've boiled it down to the following :

- can I afford it?  ???
- is it something I really want to see or see again?  :o
- is it a movie i can watch within 2 days?
- does it have other features? :P
Title: Re: When do you finally decide to BUY the DVD?
Post by: gonz on Oct 07, 2001 at 07:54 AM

Austin Powers...well...hmmm... :-X

FYI, Both Austin Powers discs were part of the New Line Platinum Series, and are among the most feature-packed single-disc DVDs ever released. The Spy Who Shagged Me features one of the most substantial easter eggs ever, an entire hidden menu devoted to Dr. Evil.

So don't diss Austin Powers!  ;)
Title: Re: When do you finally decide to BUY the DVD?
Post by: gonz on Oct 07, 2001 at 08:16 AM
What makes me decide to buy a disc?

It's not as simple a matter as "if I liked the show, I'll get the DVD." If I did that, I'd be broke.  There are a lot of movies and TV shows I've liked but not enough to spend for the DVD. For such things, I'll settle for a VCD copy.  Just so I have a copy on disc (never VHS, that's so lo-tek!  ;) )

Usually I'll buy the DVD for a movie or TV show I liked so much that I'm sure I'll want to view it again.

Do extra features matter to me?  Yes, but not to the point that I will buy a movie I didn't like simply due to the wealth of extras.  A good case in point would be Pearl Harbor, a movie that I found utterly execrable in the theater.  No amount of extra features could make me shell out for any of the three upcoming DVD versions of this turkey.

However, if the DVD of a movie I want is featureless, I will hold off until the inevitable feature-packed release a few months or years down the road. An example would be Spy Kids, currently in bare-bones DVD release.  It's obvious that this movie will get the special edition treatment a few months from now, so I'll wait for that.

I'll usually collect parts of a series that I particularly admire: The Sopranos, The Simpsons, The X-Files, Space: 1999, etc.  I got season one of Sex and the City, but I'm probably not picking up any new releases because I'm tiring of the show.

If I admire a particular director's work, it's almost a sure bet that I will collect his other works on DVD. I have two Akira Kurosawa movies so far: The Hidden Fortress and Yojimbo.  Looking to add Seven Samurai next. I also have multiple movies from Ridley Scott, James Cameron (just got the excellent Terminator Special Edition, woo-hoo!), John Woo, Steven Spielberg, John Mactiernan, Paul Verhoeven, Guy Ritchie, etc.

I don't usually collect concert DVDs, with very few exceptions: U2 Rattle and Hum, Eagles: Hell Freezes Over.
Title: Re: When do you finally decide to BUY the DVD?
Post by: FLIM on Oct 07, 2001 at 08:20 PM
Gee that's a though question. I dont know I just buy on sheer guts.First off, you got to like the movie.SOmetimes i buy it when I just watched it once ( in the cinema)and felt that I should watch it again. Then it gets pulled out and then you start pulling your fingernails off one by one.Then sometimes Its a movie that you repeated so many times to the point that by hearing the soundtrack it makes you want to puke. BUT!!!!!!!!! the dvd is released with so many extras like multiple endings and commentaries and ...( like T2 JUDGEMENT DAY which happens to be one of the best loaded dvds ever. BUt a bad sequel. Not as good as the original!)
So I got to have that!But then again there are movies that I dearly love but the dvds are so sparesly packaged that I hold off.Waiting for a time that they can come up with a special edition. case in point, AMADEUS! I have wanted to get that for a long time. But the disk is a ffuucckkkinnn
joke!So i wait and often times you are rewarded! LIke WRATH OF KHAN is comming out with a SPECIAL EDITION PACKAGE! So there finally! BUt again,that is not an assurance that you had a good deal because like THE HIGHLANDER DIRECTOR'S CUT that had a commentary and evrything was so badly done. Even the audio is bad despite t he THX seal of approval that a line "THIS IS TEH QUICKENING!Is present in the subtitle but missing from the audio!So there you have it!  
Title: Re: When do you finally decide to BUY the DVD?
Post by: MultipleAngles on Oct 07, 2001 at 08:53 PM
I agree, sometimes waiting can become a double-edged sword. You usually get great features, but there may be a price to pay. I think that Apocalypse Now Redux won't include the original theatrical edition (which some people may prefer over this newer one) What if the Star Wars DVDs only include the Special Edition formats?
Title: Re: When do you finally decide to BUY the DVD?
Post by: Centurion Obama on Oct 08, 2001 at 12:11 AM
since I never have any money, but I do have wishlist, I guess the first criterion I normally have is to get a DVD like Dune or Samurai I, coz it's hard to find here and I want to watch it, and if someone wants to borrow it, I can lend it to em

secondly, I like to buy DVD's of movies I really like and come in a great package deal like the upcoming High Fidelity/Grosse Pointe Blank package and the released El Mariachi/Desperado package.  

and third I really like the movie and it has a special edition coming out!  like Bad Boys.
Title: Re: When do you finally decide to BUY the DVD?
Post by: nerveblocker on Oct 08, 2001 at 07:45 AM
Wow joeypogi, you are willing to lend your DVDs to your friends?  Sana collector din sila kasi kung hindi...parang pinaglaruan na ng shooting stars ang disc mo pagbalik. Hehe!   ;D
Title: Re: When do you finally decide to BUY the DVD?
Post by: vacuumtubes on Feb 28, 2002 at 12:00 AM
pag may EXTRA MONEY at maganda ang Review nung Disc lalo na pag na-Feature dito sa PinoyDVD na Highly Recommended/Rated by the Moderators and nung mga nakabili na din.
Title: Re: When do you finally decide to BUY the DVD?
Post by: killer_eyes on Feb 28, 2002 at 12:14 AM
for me medyo madali lang eh...if i really like to watch the in nakita ko sa ads na maganda ang effects, story etc....basta nagustuhan ko...ill buy...kasi dito watching twice sa sinehan eh mabibili mo na ng dvd of that movie....or atleast 2 n price ng sine dito wait mo lang with in a month or 2 lalabas na dvd...edi dun na lang ako i can watch pa paulit ulit :D saka syempre kung tipong yung movie na yun yung papaulit ulitin ko...kung nde rent na lang ako...pero mahal din hehehe
Title: Re: When do you finally decide to BUY the DVD?
Post by: saling-pusa on Feb 28, 2002 at 01:30 AM
I buy when I want to watch it and theres a nice review (written or verbally recommended)..
Title: Re:When do you finally decide to BUY the DVD?
Post by: benny on Aug 01, 2002 at 02:57 AM
another bump up ^
Title: Re:When do you finally decide to BUY the DVD?
Post by: euphyx on Aug 01, 2002 at 11:35 AM
high replay value and special features
Title: Re:When do you finally decide to BUY the DVD?
Post by: ßartmaniac on Aug 14, 2002 at 10:38 AM
When wifey agrees and gives her go signal on a title. ;)

Title: Re:When do you finally decide to BUY the DVD?
Post by: xage on Aug 16, 2002 at 08:15 AM
Its just plain urge,crave or addiction.. whatever you call it...

As long as I acquire, own or have it.

It's mine,mine  all mine :D
Title: Re:When do you finally decide to BUY the DVD?
Post by: nerveblocker on Aug 16, 2002 at 01:18 PM
Are we talking about original here or P?

If original, I should watch the movie first in a movie or a rented VCD or DVD.  Then I'll see if it is really worth watching lots of times.  I'm a sucker for special effects and for 5.1 channel surround sound.  And then to top it all, when it has good reviews from fellow members of PinoyDVD then I finally buy it.

If P,  you don't decide anymore...just buy!  Mura lang eh!
Title: Re:When do you finally decide to BUY the DVD?
Post by: gandalf on Aug 17, 2002 at 07:03 PM
i keep this wish list in the palm v. whenever i have the cash, i just lop off the the titles on the very top of the list.  from time to time, i add titles, which i get from the net, from books, etc. right now, there are about 70 titles and my list keeps growing everyday.

Title: Re:When do you finally decide to BUY the DVD?
Post by: ann07 on Aug 20, 2002 at 05:17 AM
 I never decide anymore...I just grabbed em! ;D  ;D ;D
Title: Re:When do you finally decide to BUY the DVD?
Post by: Mo®pHeOu$ on Aug 29, 2002 at 12:22 PM
 ;D ;D ;D

After watching the movie and may go signal ni misis!!

labs u!!

 ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re:When do you finally decide to BUY the DVD?
Post by: bently on Aug 30, 2002 at 01:53 AM
i was just like ann07, i would grab all the latest release... ::)
tuesday was my favorite day of the week!

pero ngayon, i just rent them 1st, then just wait for Blockbusters PVD (previously viewed dvd) to go on sale, w/c is about 40% to 70% off MSRP.

as for non mainstream movies, i just wait for a good deal to come coupons or rebates.

i don't need my wife's permission....i just hide my dvd's from her! ;D
Title: Re:When do you finally decide to BUY the DVD?
Post by: ann07 on Aug 30, 2002 at 02:24 AM

i don't need my wife's permission....i just hide my dvd's from her! ;D

I thought mga wives lang gumagawa nun! ;D
Title: Re:When do you finally decide to BUY the DVD?
Post by: Mrs. T on Aug 30, 2002 at 02:34 AM
Quote from: ann07
I thought mga wives lang gumagawa nun! ;D

You thought wrong !!!   ;D

I also just go and get em' basta nagustuhan.
Di na kailangan nang permission. Basta buksan agad and watch. So hindi na puwedeng isoli... Heh, heh, heh.
Title: Re:When do you finally decide to BUY the DVD?
Post by: optimusprime on Aug 30, 2002 at 05:39 AM
basta gusto ko binibili ko....
Title: Re:When do you finally decide to BUY the DVD?
Post by: Mo®pHeOu$ on Sep 02, 2002 at 11:42 AM

i don't need my wife's permission....i just hide my dvd's from her! ;D

I thought mga wives lang gumagawa nun! ;D


;D ;D ;D

LOL at ann07

Title: Re:When do you finally decide to BUY the DVD?
Post by: Mr. Hankey on Sep 02, 2002 at 08:12 PM
When it's released.
Title: Re:When do you finally decide to BUY the DVD?
Post by: JC00 on Sep 03, 2002 at 05:29 PM
i'm a sucker for reviews. if the title is interesting and has good reviews i usually go for it.
Title: Re:When do you finally decide to BUY the DVD?
Post by: tx on Sep 05, 2002 at 09:17 AM
when i have the money and the urge to buy!!!  usually laging urge lang, walang money...hehehe! ;D
Title: Re:When do you finally decide to BUY the DVD?
Post by: JhunDV on Sep 06, 2002 at 04:44 PM
After reading positive reviews/feedbacks on the DVD features (Audio/Video/Features) and the movie itself. and of course when i have the dough... :)
Title: Re:When do you finally decide to BUY the DVD?
Post by: pietro on Sep 06, 2002 at 05:18 PM
kapag maraming special features!!!  ;D
Title: Re:When do you finally decide to BUY the DVD?
Post by: diver on Feb 05, 2003 at 09:33 AM

i don't need my wife's permission....i just hide my dvd's from her! ;D

/I thought mga wives lang gumagawa nun! ;D

Hehehehe I'm so guilty of this BUT i hide it temporarily and then bring it out and when my husband asks hmmm when did you buy this dvd ? I just answer naku matagal na ... but i've been busted with that excuse so even if he knows na nde totoo i still use that excuse  ;D of course meron kasamang lambing face yan otherwise Lagot

Anyways, i finally decide to buy a DVD when ...

a).   When i have money, of course

b).   I like the movie a lot as in SUPER like it ha
      ( meron kasing different levels of like di ba )

c).    When it has excellent reviews coming from
        a lot of DVD review sites

d).    When i want to surprise my husband with a
        movie that i know he super likes

Title: Re:When do you finally decide to BUY the DVD?
Post by: flashnymph72 on Feb 05, 2003 at 01:14 PM
usually its a dispute between my white & black angels  ;D

white angel: wag muna kasi ala pang budget
black angel: bilhin mo na kasi, sige ka maunahan ka ng iba

i always end up buying still  ;D
Title: Re:When do you finally decide to BUY the DVD?
Post by: bunkieboy on Feb 05, 2003 at 03:44 PM
when i can no longer resist scratchin' my itch ;D

it's hard being impulsive
Title: Re:When do you finally decide to BUY the DVD?
Post by: Kings on Feb 06, 2003 at 05:38 PM
If I think I can stand to watch it 15-20 times. :)
Title: Re:When do you finally decide to BUY the DVD?
Post by: phantom on Feb 23, 2003 at 02:36 AM
nung una bili lang ng bili hangang mabutas ang bulsa ko. ;D

pero ngayon, i ususally read reviews na muna, then i decide which region is better. :) tapos bili agad! ;D
Title: When do you finally decide to BUY the DVD?
Post by: Reuven Malter on Feb 23, 2003 at 07:12 AM
kapag nag-sale or binenta rito sa dvd marketplace, the place for great DVD bargains and the chance to meet fellow members.  ;D
Title: Re:When do you finally decide to BUY the DVD?
Post by: xage on Feb 24, 2003 at 07:16 PM
I post before CRAVE... yet now its more of an addiction.. as long as there is

1. Money in my pocket
2. Credit Card on hand....

Title: Re:When do you finally decide to BUY the DVD?
Post by: sago on Feb 25, 2003 at 02:38 PM
kapag nag-sale or binenta rito sa dvd marketplace, the place for great DVD bargains and the chance to meet fellow members.  ;D

agree! agree! agree!  ;D ;D ;D

madaming bargain dito, yun lang dapat parati kang online para hdi maunahan!!!
Title: Re:When do you finally decide to BUY the DVD?
Post by: FhO-FhOy on Feb 25, 2003 at 03:01 PM
The most important thing here to consider is the"MoNeY", basta may budget ka for that, and most especially pag may SALE!!!! grabe! Go gO Go gO!  8)

FhO-FhOy[/size]  :)
Title: Re:When do you finally decide to BUY the DVD?
Post by: ann07 on Feb 27, 2003 at 08:18 AM
when? actually it's a click of a mouse away! ;D
Title: Re:When do you finally decide to BUY the DVD?
Post by: ann07 on Feb 28, 2003 at 06:27 AM
gaya ngayon nadali na naman ako sa amazon! 8)
Title: Re:When do you finally decide to BUY the DVD?
Post by: indski on Mar 01, 2003 at 12:44 AM
its not a question of When 4 me,MONEY is the big consideration here
Title: Re:When do you finally decide to BUY the DVD?
Post by: ThePatriot on Mar 14, 2003 at 12:08 AM
kapag nag-sale or binenta rito sa dvd marketplace, the place for great DVD bargains and the chance to meet fellow members.  ;D

agree! agree! agree!  ;D ;D ;D

madaming bargain dito, yun lang dapat parati kang online para hdi maunahan!!!

 ;D ;D ;D same here...  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: When do you finally decide to BUY the DVD?
Post by: hung up 25 on Nov 02, 2005 at 06:25 PM
Im just starting to collect dvds. First thing on my priorities is that the dvd should be one my favorite movies of all time. Im into art house, foreign classics and modern/old drama films. unfortunately the dvds im looking for is not available locally. :(
Title: Re: When do you finally decide to BUY the DVD?
Post by: hemisphere on Nov 02, 2005 at 08:22 PM
you may check the marketplace sellers or order your dvds from reliable online stores.

Title: Re: When do you finally decide to BUY the DVD?
Post by: chinoh151 on Nov 04, 2005 at 10:37 AM
I always want to limit my DVD buying because I buy to much talaga but I end up buying the DVD when I am walking away from the store and I have a DVD na and I run back to the store then buy it. This happened in Singapore, I went to HMV (It's big and I consider it the best DVD store ever made! Lahat Region 1!) and bought Funny Girl (1968) and when I was far na from the store, walking down Orchard Road, I told my mom that I wanted to go back and buy Call Me Madam (1953) we went backed and walked down the road and I said to her that I wanted to buy A Chorus Line (1985), I bought it, but na inise sha sakin! hahaha!  ;D 
Title: Re: When do you finally decide to BUY the DVD?
Post by: qwerty765 on Nov 07, 2005 at 06:58 AM
When I like the title I saw and my girlfriend is not around, I'll buy the DVD  ;D
Title: Re: When do you finally decide to BUY the DVD?
Post by: keilu on Nov 07, 2005 at 07:34 AM
when the stars are all aligned ------- meaning availability, money, great price & its convenience (tamad kasi ako eh) ----- i BUY the DVD.  ;D
Title: Re: When do you finally decide to BUY the DVD?
Post by: MAtZTER on Nov 08, 2005 at 04:54 PM
When its:

1. On Sale, specially the P299 titles
2. I limit myself to $12 max when buying R1, unless its a really good title (then stretch to .
3. I go for the noisiest action movies, para sulit HT.  ;D
4. When its got DTS, DTS-ES. If R1 has an ES or DD-EX version, I will go for the R1 even if our local version is just P299.00
5. When it is being sold cheap sa DVD marketplace.
Title: Re: When do you finally decide to BUY the DVD?
Post by: xeqtionr on Nov 08, 2005 at 06:01 PM
I usually go for rarities rather than the most popular releases. Buying a DVD is like a treasure hunt to me. (Trying to find a jewel among the rocks) If I see a movie title that really intrigues me, boom! that's it...!

All the popular DVD releases, I can just rent at our local video shop.