PinoyDVD: The Pinoy Digital Video & Devices Community

Home Theater => General => Service => Topic started by: Pat on Nov 23, 2006 at 10:24 PM

Title: HELP! SD card recovery service?/software?
Post by: Pat on Nov 23, 2006 at 10:24 PM
hello guys,

can u pls help me? my SD card for my camera got corrupted with precious 200+ photos/videos

do you know anyone store in manila can help me retireve/recover the pix?

i tried online to download free software.its not good enough to preview&recover it..

i paid online 30$ downloadable software and still didnt work! SAYANG.

CardRecovery v3.10 software online was the oly one who scanned and previewed most of the photos, but again i have to pay before i can save's 40$

i dont mind paying but maybe it's gonna be unsuccesful sayang naman..better have a professional do it. do you have anmy idea where and how much?? sa greenhills kaya yung mga tech-savvy dun? or sa fujifilm stores?? huhuhuhuhu :'( :'(

pls help me..
