Author Topic: if Blu Ray wins the format war what happens next?  (Read 3045 times)

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if Blu Ray wins the format war what happens next?
« on: Feb 02, 2008 at 04:49 PM »
i have a ps3 for bluray and im considering of buying a toshiba a-30 so that i can have the best of both worlds, but with all the news ive been reading on the web seems like bluray will probably win and the format war will be over by the end of the year. so im scared on investing on hd-dvd. the only reason for me to buy the hd dvd is bec. of transformers, shrek 3, and beuwolf as of now. and that leads to my question if ever bluray wins the format war will hd dvd be phased out? will all the titles i listed and movie companies thats hd dvd exclusive be available on bluray? will they shift?

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Re: if Blu Ray wins the format war what happens next?
« Reply #1 on: Feb 02, 2008 at 05:52 PM »
Eventually the 2 remaining studios will be forced financially to join the bandwagon. They are just sticking around HD DVD because of contractual obligations to Toshiba. The problem if you invest with HD DVD may be hardware when they are eventually phased out. Once they conk out, no way of replacing it.  :-\ :-\ :-\
« Last Edit: Feb 02, 2008 at 05:53 PM by Mouldingo »

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Re: if Blu Ray wins the format war what happens next?
« Reply #2 on: Feb 02, 2008 at 08:54 PM »
i have a ps3 for bluray and im considering of buying a toshiba a-30 so that i can have the best of both worlds, but with all the news ive been reading on the web seems like bluray will probably win and the format war will be over by the end of the year. so im scared on investing on hd-dvd. the only reason for me to buy the hd dvd is bec. of transformers, shrek 3, and beuwolf as of now. and that leads to my question if ever bluray wins the format war will hd dvd be phased out? will all the titles i listed and movie companies thats hd dvd exclusive be available on bluray? will they shift?

Just wait it out... All exclusive HD DVD titles will eventually be released in Blu-ray format...
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Re: if Blu Ray wins the format war what happens next?
« Reply #3 on: Feb 03, 2008 at 08:20 AM »
so its not wise to invest on hd dvd after all, im thinking of upgrading my amp nalang with hdmi connection but is ps3 capable of lossless audio? i only have a 6.1 setup will lossless audio be a big diffrence from what i have today? planning to get either HK or onkyo.
« Last Edit: Feb 03, 2008 at 08:25 AM by jonick »

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Re: if Blu Ray wins the format war what happens next?
« Reply #4 on: Feb 03, 2008 at 08:53 AM »
The new releases especially from New Line like Hairspray are in DTS HD MA in 7.1. The audio is simply awesome!

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Sony jacks up the price of Blu-ray
« Reply #5 on: Mar 14, 2008 at 10:47 PM »
Sony jacks up the price of Blu-ray

No competition

By Nick Farrell: Thursday, 13 March 2008, 8:39 AM

SONY appears to have jacked up the price of Blu-ray players now that it has killed off HD-DVD.

Tom's Hardware is reporting that Blu-ray disk players from Samsung, Sony and Sharp are the most expensive they have been all year.

According to a few months ago the average price for a Blu-ray player was $300. Now it is $400.

Within just the last two weeks, the average prices for LG's BH200 player and Sharp's BD-HP20U have climbed significantly.

It seems that Sony has decided that punters have no choice and will pay through the nose to be on the next technology bandwagon.

However Sony has cocked up on pricing before, an example is its overpriced PS3 which sat on the shelves for ages and lost ground to the technologically less superior XBOX 360 and the Nintendo Wii gismo before the outfit realised.

Toms Hardware points out that the same thing seems to be happening with Blu-ray players now. Most sales for the technology have come from users who have accidently bought the technology with the PS3.

Even with the format wars over, most punters are looking at Blu-ray like boffins who predict that the world will end in several billion years.

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Re: if Blu Ray wins the format war what happens next?
« Reply #6 on: Mar 26, 2008 at 02:43 PM »
what happens next is that we see pirated Blu-Ray come out... ;D

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Re: if Blu Ray wins the format war what happens next?
« Reply #7 on: Mar 26, 2008 at 02:51 PM »
March 10, 2008

CDSA President Reminds Industry Blu-ray Won Battle, But War Is Not Yet Over

Speech by Charles Van Horn at 38th Annual Content Delivery and Storage Forum in La Quinta, California, March 7

Although Blu-ray may have won the battle against rival format HD-DVD, the war for ultimate consumer acceptance of the format has really only just begun, Charles Van Horn, President of the Content Delivery and Storage Association, told attendees at the 38th Annual Content Delivery and Storage Forum in La Quinta, California on March 7, 2008.

Below is the complete transcript of Mr. Van Horn's comments

Maybe I’ve been reading too much Stephen King but I think I know how this format war between HD-DVD and Blu-ray is really going to end. You thought it was over.... Well, for those of us who have long been involved in the media business, the story of this format war is worthy of the horror novelist who knows how to scare the bejesus out of everyone and knows the true art of a scary ending.

Seen Carrie? Or maybe that great Kathy Bates chiller Misery? They always end the same way. After two hours of gore and spine chilling terror, King leaves our hero victorious with his nemesis beaten to a bloody pulp or buried six-feet under. They catch their breath. They wipe the sweat from their brow. Then, without any warning and a sudden screech of violins, that dead enemy rises for one last fight. Carrie's bloody hand reaches from the grave. Kathy Bates goes back at it for one more treacherous tussle.

And what does that have to do with Blu-ray and HD-DVD you might ask? The war isn't over. Mark my words. To quote our president: "Mission Accomplished." - Not really.

Maybe the Blu-ray camp has won the battle but let's not be lulled into complacency here. The war has only just begun.

That's because this format war is one unlike any other we've experienced before. No wonder it was relatively short. The window of opportunity was narrowing fast and the fate of the DVD format – Hollywood’s cash cow no less -- was at stake. And that's something everyone -- even Toshiba -- has too much invested in to lose over a claim to the next windfall of media royalty payments.

Sure Blu-ray won the trade. Now it has to win the hearts and minds of the consumer. And that's going to be a much bigger battle. Especially with a range of physical media alternatives in the wings as well as the dawn of a new age of digital delivery.

If Blu-ray won anything it was simply the right for the studios and their hardware partners to now spend many hundreds of millions of dollars more to market the benefits of a higher-definition optical disc format to a consumer who is already more than satisfied with what they already own and more preoccupied with buying their next flat screen and smart phone than anything else.

Unfortunately, in a world of mp3s, you're finding a new consumer. One who demands convenience over quality. One who wants a participatory media sensation. One who wants to make their own entertainment.

The success of Blu-ray is simply too important for us to ignore the changes in our contemporary media landscape and the challenges we truly must now face.

For, in fact, our industry just made an extremely bold move. It selected the more expensive, more complex format of the two -- one that requires a significant technical retooling at the replicator and mastering levels as well as the emergence of a scarce and extremely skilled set of software developers in order to succeed.

The expanded storage capability and interactivity potential of Blu-ray is awe-inspiring. It can truly be the physical media of the next decade.

That is if we accept the realities, roll up our sleeves, and bankroll the massive technical and creative overhaul that that this new format now requires.

We just built the ultimate racecar. We can't cheap out on the driver, the tires and the fuel. Unless we feed it the right stuff, this baby ain't gonna run.

Remember, we don't have the FCC mandating that consumers must upgrade from standard definition DVDs to Blu-ray. And let's not necessarily assume that the DVD is going to be able to ride on the back of the federally mandated DTV transition in the USA.

What's more, we have several other dynamics at play in Hollywood.

At the same time as the studios and hardware manufacturers are touting the attributes of this 1080p player, they are at the same time setting up their own competition by enhancing the standard DVD’s with digital copies as well as inexpensive up-converting DVD players.

Astute press release readers may have noticed that, at the same time as it announced the discontinuation of the HD-DVD format last month, Toshiba declared its commitment to developing its core competencies in two other HD physical media formats -- NAND flash memory and small format hard disc technology -- two upstart technologies that promise to challenge optical as the physical media of choice in the years ahead. Two formats that portend to be cheaper to manufacture and potentially preferred because of their superior HD recording speeds.

In the Wall Street Journal earlier this week, Toshiba corp. Chief executive Atsutoshi Nishida expressed his support for the pc as the playback centerpiece of tomorrow’s living room as well as a commitment for the digital download of home entertainment. He explained, “we've been developing technologies in this area already, but now that we don't have the HD-DVD business, I want to put even more energy into that.”

And while digital downloads currently show more promise than profitability, it's no surprise that apple, with its Apple-TV and its iTunes business model in place has made no commitment to an optical future.

And a new upstart VUDU, meanwhile, is stirring tremendous interest for its ability to utilize peer-to-peer networks to provide buffer free, no-wait digital HD downloads.

Don’t get me wrong. I'm a bigtime believer in Blu-ray. I'm just setting the scene. The CDSA membership has too much to gain from the success of Blu-ray in the next few years for us to be scared off by any of the aforementioned obstacles. But just as any hardened Stephen King reader would tell you, you can't let your guard down until the credits roll.

And for the credits to roll in this format war saga, several significant developments must occur.

The following is Charlie’s five step formula for Blu-ray success. There's plenty of money for everyone if we get this one right.

Step one: Studios, work with your replicator.
There's a tremendous investment ahead for replicators. Understanding & Solutions estimates a quarter billion dollars investment will be needed over the next few years in new lines and test equipment. If your replicators are to be able to provide you with proper levels of supply and service you'll need to get your forecasts right, tighten your supply chain, and manage your front end mastering/authoring processes to allow your replication partners to meet your retailers’ needs.
Step two: Studios note, this product deserves a premium price.
This is the only industry that would invent gold and then decide to move tonnage by discounting prices. In packaging and product features, Blu-ray must purvey a value proposition to the consumer that will provide enough profits for your retailers, your shareholders and your supply chain partners.
Step three: Stir the imagination of the creative community.
This product demands the interest of the next generation Spielbergs and Lucases – the visual storytellers of tomorrow who will embrace the technical wizardry, interactivity, storage capacity, and electronic enabling that the format can provide. Is it a film? Is it a game? Is it a web site? It's all of the above. But without a creative individual who is given the resources to create magic, to invent the next generation of interactive visual entertainment, it's going to be "just enough hunk of playback plastic."
Step four: Think 3D.
We're on the brink of the next dimension of filmmaking. John Cameron’s avatar will break barriers. The NBA has already shot games in 3D. Disney has shown Hannah Montana on screen in three dimensions too. The future of theatrical films will demand a cool set of a shades. And, once that content starts to cascade, Blu-ray sales will accelerate since it will be able to deliver those 3D films into the home provided the consumer electronics manufacturers develop screens capable of delivering the 3D experience to consumers’ living rooms.
Step five: Market, market and market some more.
We're going to have to sell Blu-ray this time around. Or else. Frankly, this is a product that nobody wants -- until they experience it. And we need to take it to the streets.

Kudos to studios like Disney that are already out there in the shopping malls showing it off to consumers.

My concern is that the Blu-ray group, which forged such a valiant battle with its HD-DVD nemesis, will now fold up its tent and retreat in victory, when in fact the war has only just begun.

This is not a product that is going to be easy to explain. There are other competitive technologies out there and on the horizon. Too many media options for the consumer consider this time around.

As the president of the Content Delivery & Storage Association I’m ready to do my part. I propose an executive level meeting of representatives from the CDSA, DEG, Media-Tech, EMA and CEA in the coming months to forge a collaborative strategy to address the challenge ahead.

If Blu-ray is truly to emerge as a mass-market product we'll all need to push ahead as a single force for change. And I believe Blu-ray will enable that change.

Thank you.

As they say, the real war is against standard DVD


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Re: if Blu Ray wins the format war what happens next?
« Reply #8 on: Apr 07, 2008 at 10:27 AM »
Blu Ray without competition will jack up the prices of its hardware, knowing SONY they will want a ton of profit!
i myself, being one of the early adoptors of the dvd format will have a wait and see policy on this HD battle.
Mostly We buy HD disc that we already had in dvd. i like to see The Transformers Movie in HD. But since Almost all my HT is in the 1996 era (including my 32" Widescreen samsung tube TV) i just watch the dvd and if thats not satisfaying enough, i play The Transformers Movie 720p and stick my head close to my 19 inch dirct view Computer monitor and see the bents and scratches of Optimus Prime's body.
I see the future in HTPC.
for now its DVD and 720p movies for me until the day its clear which real HD format will hold our beloved movies to the future!!!

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Re: if Blu Ray wins the format war what happens next?
« Reply #9 on: Apr 08, 2008 at 05:58 AM »
so its not wise to invest on hd dvd after all, im thinking of upgrading my amp nalang with hdmi connection but is ps3 capable of lossless audio? i only have a 6.1 setup will lossless audio be a big diffrence from what i have today? planning to get either HK or onkyo.

If you're looking into lossless audio, it should be 7.1-ch and certified True HD. The lowest Onkyo model that can handle this is the TX-SR605. They're now priced at US$399 in Crutchfield*dot*com (free S/H + no tax if purchased outside resident state) as opposed to stores who sell them at US$499 + whatever state tax applies.
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Re: if Blu Ray wins the format war what happens next?
« Reply #10 on: Apr 08, 2008 at 09:38 AM »
im thinking of upgrading my amp nalang with hdmi connection but is ps3 capable of lossless audio? i only have a 6.1 setup will lossless audio be a big diffrence from what i have today?

Yes, PS3 can playback lossless audio i.e. PCM & True HD. You may refer to this discussion thread:

If you're looking into lossless audio, it should be 7.1-ch and certified True HD.

Blu-ray tittles from such as Lions Gate & Fox studio offer lossless audio track, mostly in 5.1 while very limited tittles in 6.1 & 7.1

Offline Dunedain

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Re: if Blu Ray wins the format war what happens next?
« Reply #11 on: Apr 08, 2008 at 07:19 PM »
Blu-ray tittles from such as Lions Gate & Fox studio offer lossless audio track, mostly in 5.1 while very limited tittles in 6.1 & 7.1

That's true. But isn't it also true that most BR movies (as well as Sony) have claimed to be lossless audio regardless of whatever channel they're encoded, True HD or not? But here's something that weirds me out. Most folks bank on the PCM Linear audio format from the PS3 without realizing that the Linear audio format will not work unless they carry receivers that can handle PCM Linear, or as mentioned, True HD receivers (although this is just an optional futureproofing the audio part). Meanwhile, current receivers with all the bangs and whistles of Dolby Digital and/or THX (but none HD capable), be it 5.1, 6.1, or 7.1 channel, can still handle PS3's Bitstream audio format. If a BR movie disc or DVD is only encoded at 5.1-ch with the audio and video passing through PS3's HDMI while set at Linear, and hooked up to a non-HD audio receiver, the listener will just get stereo or a little better sound than stereo. At best, setting the receiver's listneing mode in Dolby Digital ProLogic IIx can expand the sound, but the listener will have to push the volume at 70% or more (100% at full volume) just to hear something from sides and rear.
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