I used to be a huge X-Phile. I had all episodes from Season Two onward taped for me by relatives in the US and shipped to me in Manila regularly.
As I am, I have accumulated around 20 tapes recording all XF episodes could find. I was particularly most happy when I was able to go to the States. I almost didn't wanna come back when I saw the networks air back epidsodes of TXF everyday! Most were recorded randomly, but I was proud of a volume of tapes I made which has the entire mythology episodes from season 1 to 5,
in order.
In 1997 I created and moderated the Philippine X-Files Mailing List ([email protected]); at its height it had 80+ subscribers. The list still exists, but nobody has posted on it for over six months. List activity has been minimal over the past year and a half.
I am a member! Well, I am a member of almost every XF mailing list here in the PH (cXm, x-flips), but too bad, because I joined during the time TXF was losing its appeal.
I bought all the books and collected all the videos released in the US and locally. I could quote you classic lines from my favorite episodes ("You will find her beside the fat little white Nazi stormtrooper," Clyde Bruckman, from "Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose," 3x04; "I didn't spend all those years playing Dungeons and Dragons without learning something about courage," Darin Morgan, "Jose Chung's 'From Outer Space'").
Did any of you ever have Jane Goldman's book
The X-Files Book Of The Unexplained? Probably the greatest book published which has references to The X-Files (note: It isn't a book entirely about The X-Files) I have volumes 1 and 2 (both bought at different times and places, but at real bargain prices), and if there's a volume 3 onwards, let me know. These books are 2 of my most treasured books.
Now that I think of it, I think Darin Morgan wrote the best ever one-liners on the series. He's also one of the writers who provides the smartest XF stories.
I identified favorite directors and writers (Darin Morgan, Glen Morgan and James Wong, Chris Carter, Frank Spotnitz)
Did you forget Vince Gilligan, or do you hate his guts too?

As for directors, I think I liked those eps by Rob Bowman and David Nutter.
Mulder's shady network of informants and apparent sympathizers (Deep Throat, who was slain by the Crewcut Man, X, Marita Covarrubias).
Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't it the
Gray-Haired Man who killed Deep Throat? Anyway, we're probably referring to the same dude, since the Gray-Haired Man has a crew-cut hair.
I think "Paper Clip" (3x02) is the finest mythology episode produced.
I think the finest mythology
arc written was the Redux Trilogy (Gethsemane, Redux, Redux II). Another great myth arc were the episodes Nisei and 731.
Eventually the DVD sets came out, and I have seasons 1, 2 and 3. I plan to get seasons 4 and 5 as well. Then, we'll see. Because along the way I lost my interest in the show, around the time of season six. I sold or gave away all my tapes. I stopped watching it religiously. Something was missing. Either I had changed or the show had changed, or maybe it was a little of both. But for whatever reason, I was no longer drawn to the show with the fanatical ardor of the past.
I agree. I think TXF started declining after season 5. Although season 6 has some memorable episodes (Dreamland I and II are two of the episodes in my favorites list; Triangle was swinging with its, um, swing music; Two Fathers and One Son has some great revelations and answered A LOT of questions; Arcadia, though simply a monster episode, has its charming appeal [but I'm no shipper, mind you]; etc. etc.), it still didn't compare to the ones from the previous seasons.
I dunno, I also lost interest in watching the episodes. But I still watch, and I think I'm still content with the current episodes. As for buying the DVDs, I vowed to collect every X-Files episode from start to finish, no matter what. Once an X-Phile, always an X-Phile. That's probably also the reason why I don't watch as much, because II know that soon enough I will have them all in one shelf.

So, what do you think is the best XF season? And let's talk about some of our favorite episodes, shall we?