Other than using the online
www.blu-ray.com/community/collection, I'm also using a DVD database software "
DVD Profiler" to keep track of my current Blu-ray collection. I'm sure some of you have heard of it before. It's very convenient, fast & easy to use. You can keep track both off-line & online. In future it will save you lots of time in checking & searching your whole collection. It's convenient & prevent headaches. Here are some actual screen shots taken from my profile:
Full size:
http://www.flickr.com/photos/pchin/4191922812/sizes/o/You can also customize the look & apperance. Here's a different layout.
Full size:
http://www.flickr.com/photos/pchin/4191922932/sizes/o/in/photostream/For more info on DVD Profiler:
http://www.invelos.com/There's a trial download which you can test run. I created 3 separate databases. One for my Blu-ray collection, one for my HD-DVD collection & one for my regular DVDs.
You can also upload your database to the Invelos server so that in case if any thing happen to your existing data, you can easily access & download your database to your computer or in the event you're using more than one computer then your second computer can download & sync with the info.
This database software is great way to protect & keep track all our beloved movie collections data.