Oh you have over 1,000 titles pala so forget about my earlier suggestion kc it's impractical to setup new database as it will consume lots of time (tho there is a short cut).

Here's another easier way. I presume you have already entered all the titles into your program i.e. your database has over 1,000 titles. I also presume each DVD title you have specified what region it belongs too i.e. under General Information tab > Basic Information > Regions.
Now, to know your total DVD for each specific region you need to go to "Filters" tab below the screen (middle of "Collection List" & "Set Tags"). Inside Filters tab > General > Region (specify which region you want).
Then go back to your "Collection List" page & it will display all the DVD region you have just specified. You will know exactly how many DVDs you have. Problem solved!