as i've said, it may be a higher supernatural being and it may be not. But i'm not as quick as you to conclude and interpret that those numbers are parameters set by a being in the sky! it is not enough evidence to come to that conclusion.
Long before, some humans thought that there are no other lands then sea faring made them discover different islands and continents. We thought that there is only this planet then soon discovered other planets in our solar system. Then we thought that our sun is the only one in the sky then figured out that the stars are also other suns and that we're part of the Milky Way Galaxy. We then find out that there are also other galaxies our there and we are just one part of a group of galaxies and that group of galaxies are just another part of cluster of galaxies, so on and so fort.
It is not far fetched or ridiculous to think that there are other Universes apart from our own that have different sets of physics laws and theories. that alone could be a reason for having those sets of data that you interpret as parameters by an "intelligent designer".
There is even this one theory that our Universe is just a holographic simulation. That also could be a reason for having those data. But to say that it was created because of the supernatural God in the Bible is too far fetched. Right now we have a very tiny grasp on our understanding of our Universe and i'm not inclined to believe in a scripture explaining how we came about made millennia ago by persons/people who understands even less than we do now.
Unlike some overtly religious person, i don't just believe in mysticism and myths and interpret things to fit whatever belief system one holds. i believe in the evidence that a theory holds. if an evidence comes out that overturns a theory then that theory will be disregarded.
To answer your question, yes it is possible that it is simply due to chance as it is how the Quantum Theory works.
My understanding of the information i've gathered led me to think that those parameters were best explained by design and not due to necessity nor chance....I would not characterize that as "quick to conclude".
On the other hand, you say it's not far fetch to think of a Multiverse or Chance as the answer for the parameters but at same time you readily reject the third option that of design. Because the idea of design or a designer is too far fetch??? So you draw the line on this "too far fetch" idea, that makes your claim of objectively looking at evidence flawed since you've already taken out the other possibility that the universe was designed...Here is the article that lists all the parameters you that say happened by chance.
Probability Estimate for Attaining the Necessary Characteristics for a Life Support BodyNotes: Estimate of dependency and longevity factors are accounted for at the end of the list. References to relevant science research papers and books also follow the list. The definition used here for a planet is broad enough to include a large satellite orbiting another planet. For reasons why satellites in general and starless planets are not suitable candidates for a life-support body see Lights in the Sky and Little Green Men by Hugh Ross, Kenneth Samples, and Mark Clark (Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress, 2002), pp. 39-41.
Parameter Probability that feature will fall in the required range for physical life
local abundance and distribution of dark matter
relative abundances of different exotic mass particles
decay rates of different exotic mass particles
density of quasars 0.1
density of giant galaxies in the early universe 0.1
galaxy cluster size 0.1
galaxy cluster density
galaxy cluster location 0.1
galaxy size 0.1
galaxy type 0.1
galaxy mass distribution
size of galactic central bulge 0.2
galaxy location 0.1
variability of local dwarf galaxy absorption rate
quantity of galactic dust
giant star density in galaxy 0.1
frequency of gamma ray bursts in galaxy 0.05
star location relative to galactic center 0.2
star distance from corotation circle of galaxy 0.005
ratio of inner dark halo mass to stellar mass for galaxy 0.1
star distance from closest spiral arm 0.1
z-axis extremes of star’s orbit 0.02
iodine quantity in crust 0.1
magnesium in crust 0.4
manganese quantity in crust 0.1
nickel quantity in crust 0.1
rate of decline in volcanic activity 0.1
location of volcanic eruptions 0.1
continental relief 0.1
viscosity at Earth core boundaries 0.01
viscosity of lithosphere 0.2
thickness of mid-mantle boundary 0.1
rate of sedimentary loading at crustal subduction zones 0.1
biomass to comet infall ratio 0.01
regularity of cometary infall 0.1
number, intensity, and location of hurricanes 0.02
intensity of primordial cosmic superwinds 0.05
number of smoking quasars 0.05
formation of large terrestrial planet in the presence of two or more gas giant planets 0.1
orbital stability of large terrestrial planet in the presence of two or more gas giant planets 0.01
total mass of Oort Cloud objects 0.2
timing of star formation peak for the galaxy 0.2
.....the parameter total 322,
Probability for occurrence of all 322 parameters ≈ 10-388dependency factors estimate ≈ 10-96
longevity requirements estimate ≈ 1014
Probability for occurrence of all 322 parameters ≈ 10-304
Maximum possible number of life support bodies in universe ≈ 1022
Thus, less than 1 chance in 10282(million trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion) exists that even one such life-support body would occur anywhere in the universe without invoking divine miracles.