1) Untouchables' classic central station scene (baby cart falling from the stairs)
2) Scarface - tub scene- "Who do i trust? Me!" ; both films from brian de palma
3) Patriot's rescue scene where Mel running/carries his "guns" to save his eldest son (Ledger). younger children backing him up. - Roland Emmerich
4) Dumb and dumber scene: "Pills are good... pills are good!" and "we'reee there...." (as they arrive in Aspen)- Farreley Bros.
5) The Mask's: "Somebody... stop meh!... - Chuck Russel
6) Black Hawk Down's "flying scene towards the city for the main attack" Ridley Scott
7) Revealing last the scenes in Confidence/ kinda similar to the usual suspects. - James Foley
The usual suspects revealing scene in the end. - Bryan Singer
9) "Is there gonna be a fight Wyatt?", beginning scene wyatt earp, Lawrence kasdan
10) Goodfellas scene stabbing the guy in the trunk - Martin scorsese
11) Jim Carrey and Kate Winslet lying down at the frozen lake scene Etrenal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind- Michel Gondry.
12) Ending gang war scene of Gangs of New Yor - Martin Scorsese
13) "Are you not entertained" Russel Crowe in Gladiator - Sir Ridley Scott
14) John Woo and Michael Bay's Slow motions scene's in their movies.
15) "Do, Ray, Egonnn... scene " Ghostbusters 2 - Ivan Reitman