We don't have much need of our appendix anymore.
The premise of this statement is that we formerly needed our appendix. The logical question therefore is: What was the former function of the appendix that we no longer need today?
The evolutionist fairy tale is that the appendix is vestigial; a useless remnant of a formerly functioning organ that disappeared via evolution.
And this conclusion is based on what? Pure speculation, that's what. But that shouldn't be surprising, since evolutionists are not bothered by baseless speculation masquerading as "science" anyway.
The appendix was formerly thought to be without any useful function. But today, the appendix is recognized as a highly specialized organ with a contains a high concentration of lymphoid follicles --- highly specialized structures that are a part of the immune system.
Appendix Function in the Human Bodyhttp://www.disabled-world.com/artman/publish/appendix.shtmlWe're slowly losing our ability to produce wisdom teeth.
All that shows is degeneration, not evolution.
The loss of wisdom teeth in succeeding generations is the result of diet. Older generations used to eat tough meat and vegetables; hence the need for a larger jaw that had enough space to accommodate wisdom teeth. The processed food diet of succeeding generations caused the jaw to degenerate and shrink, thereby leaving less room for wisdom teeth.
How wisdom teeth can possibly be evidence for evolution is really some fairy tale from la la land.
Our eye's nictating membrane is slowly disappearing.
It's called a "nictitating" (not nictating) membrane.
Evolutionists believe that the
plica semilunaris of the human eye is a vestigial remnant of the
nictitating membrane (the "third eyelid") present in other animals such as birds, reptiles and fish.
In humans, the function of the plica semilunaris is to enable better mobility for the eyeball. To allow the eyeball and lids to move independently, the conjunctiva forms a continuous sac above, laterally and below. But medially, because of the presence of the lacrimal drainage apparatus, there is no conjunctival sac; instead, there is the plica semilunaris which is a crescentic fold of conjunctiva. When the eye is abducted (turned outwards), the plica partially unfolds as the conjunctiva stretches so that movement is unimpeded. When the eye is adducted (turned inwards), a fibrous extension from the sheath of the muscle contracting the medial rectus draws the plica posteriorly, partially unfolding it and deepening the lacus lacrimalis.
So, the plica semilunaris in humans is just that --- a plica semilunaris.
To arrive at the conclusion that the plica semilunaris is a vestigial remnant of a nictitating membrane is a pretty big jump considering the absolute lack of evidence.
Science na pala ngayon ang tawag sa mga Kuwento ni Lola Basyang.