but in the Bible there are only two species: human and animals.
I see. All the animals that Adam named, and all animals that went on Noah's Ark belong to the same species.
and in nature there are only two things that exist: living and non-living, positive or negative, north pole or south pole, action and reaction, right and wrong
Ok. Two things. Which two things again? "Humans" and "animals", right?
I'm confused.
and in the Bible there are only two fources that exist: good and evil. God and Satan. if you are not God's then your Satan's
Two forces: good and evil.
I guess these forces cause apples to fall from trees, right? It must be good (or is it evil?) for an apple to fall from the tree.
And I guess somehow electromagnetism can be derived from good and evil. The batteries on my cellphone are good, but the photons that show nudie pictures on my laptop are evil. Somehow.
as simple as that. No need to explain things in different perspective.
This is my belief as a creationist. because when we makes things complicated it only just show how foolish we are.
I honestly admire your simple outlook on life.
Now, does everyone else believe the same things you do?
Should everyone else believe the same things you do?
If believe in Santa Claus, and I say, those who don't believe in Santa Claus are naughty because Santa's not watching them, therefore, we should make a law that says only those who believe in Santa Claus can have presents on Christmas, because it's as simple as that, no need to explain—would you still take me seriously?