I raised the subject of toroids to give tube lovers an option to further improve the sound of their gears with the proper DIY upgrade skills. It's up to you to do any further research on the matter to confrim or refute my position. Then if you think it's worth it, it's up to you to decide if you want to go this route. You're dissenting opinion, ofcourse is most welcome.
this is human nature at work, we always covet the things that we don't have....be that as it may, torroids are really great, many things going for it, except that it easily saturates compared to the EI core due the the nature of its construction....i have a story to tell, way back in 1970, I wanted to construct a solid state amp., naturally, i needed a power transformer to use for power supply, i needed a power tranformer with 220volt pri, to 70volts center-tapped secondary. so i brought with me a 400ma tube power transformer to "Poodmon" in legarda to be rewinded as per my needs. I was shocked to learn from the shopkeepers that it was impossible for them to do it, in other words, they know nothing about solid state amps back then as tubes were still very much in season....so what happened? i had to do DIY and i made it...i made my first solid state amp in 1971...i had done tubes using borrowed materials from a friend much earlier when i was in high school...my favorite tube was 6em5 a vertical output tube from b&w tv's which i borrowed from our own tv set....i still remember my father's face when he found out what i had done....so what am i trying to say? given the right materials, we can do it!!!!
You may want to read the URLs in my previous posts were i lifted the pics i posted. And there are probabaly more about toroids used as OPT in tube amps. You may want to google search on the subject. As far as i know, toroids provide the best and most efficient/effective transformer function, whether as power or audio output transformer.
i went to the link alright and found out that amplino gave out most of the specs, most importantly the turns ratio, with this it will be easier to calculate the actual turns...now the next thing is to get the core materials, i mentioned earlirier the they must have cut the donuts in half, actually just one gap is enough to avoid core saturation in torroids.....